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People Love Us On Yelp Award 16

Irish Eyes are Smiling on Alice

Our very own Alice epitomizes our Hilldale values of self-discipline, life-long learning, and rising to the challenge. Alice is an academic leader and role model known for her gift of dance. Alice, along with her partner Zorik, recently competed in the World Dance Championship Amateur League held from December 5-8, 2019 in Dublin, Ireland. Alice and Zorik have a plethora of awards and accolades culled from years of hard work and competitions all over the USA and the world under the tutelage of top coaches and dance instructors. But as the old Chinese proverb goes "Out of the hottest fire comes the strongest steel," Alice and Zorik tested their mettle against some of the world's top dancers and they earned third place in the Ballroom, and 6th in Latin in under-16 years category. The competition was arduous as both performed their carefully choreographed routines twice per day for four days straight!

The legendary WWII general George S. Patton said it best: “Pressure makes diamonds.” Congratulations and warmest felicitations, Alice! You are Hilldale School’s diamond.